As the new year kicks off, the Estevan Public Library is gearing up for an exciting lineup of events in January. Branch manager, Jason Redshaw, shared insights into the upcoming programs during a recent interview.

EPL January Calendar

One unique and intriguing event on the horizon is "Grow Your Own Catnip," scheduled for January 10 at 7 o'clock. Redshaw highlighted the opportunity for participants to learn the ins and outs of cultivating catnip. "If you're wondering how to grow it and to grow it well during the winter months, our adult programmer will be taking you through the steps for growing some catnip and giving some samples as well." Redshaw also shared that the catnip cultivation experience is exclusively for the humans saying, "You do have to leave the friendly cats at home."

A "Family Fun Trivia" event is slated for mid-January. Redshaw emphasized its inclusivity, he noted, "We have a number of questions that the whole family can gasp for trivia." The trivia session will focus on sports, particularly winter sports, providing an opportunity for both parents and children to engage in a playful battle of wits.

Patrons of the library familiar with their Annual Golf Fundraisers will be excited to try "Glow Golfing" on January 19 and 20, running from 10:00 to 5:30. Redshaw shared the unique setup for this event, stating, "Typically what we normally do for our fundraiser is we do golf within the library. But this is a set where it actually is glow-in-the-dark." The program rooms will be darkened, and participants will navigate the course using glow-in-the-dark balls, walls and holes, adding an extra layer of excitement to the experience. The Glow Golf event is not part of the annual fundraiser tradition. Instead, it's a fresh and free activity open to everyone.

As the Estevan Public Library gears up for an exciting January, it's clear that a diverse range of events awaits the community. From the intriguing "Grow Your Own Catnip" session to the inclusive "Family Fun Trivia" event and the unique "Glow Golf" experience, there's something for everyone to enjoy.

For more information on these events and to explore the full array of offerings at the Estevan Public Library, visit their website or check out their updates on Facebook.