The 2024-25 school calendar for students in southeast Saskatchewan was released Thursday morning. The calendar is drawn up and used by both the South East Cornerstone Public School Division and the Holy Family Roman Catholic Separate School Division.  

The next school year for the students will begin on September 3rd, the day after Labour Day, and will go until June 26th, 2025, with 184 days of in-class instruction for the students from Grades K to 12. The calendar also includes 13 non-instructional days, which will mean no school for the students, but teachers will have other work, including professional development.  

There are three breaks of a week or more during the school year, with the first being the Christmas break. It will start on December 23rd, and the students will return to class on January 6th. Then, there will be a weeklong break in February, with no classes from February 17th to 21st. The Easter break will be from Good Friday on April 18th and ends on April 25th with classes resuming on April 28th.  

While the boards of both school divisions have passed the motions to adopt the calendar, it is still subject to approval from the Ministry of Education to ensure compliance with the Education Act. School calendars in Saskatchewan must ensure there are 950 hours of instructional time for students.