The Brickery was a huge success as a group of lego builds were on display with an amazing gallery for people of all ages and interests. The Brickery is a gallery show filled with incredible and unique creations, where a group of adult builders from Estevan and throughout Saskatchewan. It was open from 10-5 on Saturday, November 3rd.

They even produced a table of idiom inspired builds that had 11 displays that you could vote on for your chance to win a lego kit. It was a group effort for all of those who were their as some of the lego builds were beyound extravagant. Onlookers were shown a variety of lego from the classic to the animated scenes. There was a great representation from the kids inspired by lego as well.

A Representative from the Saskatchewan LEGO Users Goup, "Shows are an opportunity to showcase what it is that we enjoy doing: building with LEGO.  This allows us to  collaborate on large-scale displays that we would be unable to do alone and to show off our individual creations!  It also allows us the chance to get together and chat about the hobby we all enjoy.  We have been very fortunate to be invited to participate in many hobby and model train shows throughout the years all over the province."

They are looking for more members to join our local Group, but you can get all of the information of upcoming events here