A crosswalk in the Town of Carlyle has become a colorful symbol of Pride. The Sidewalk outside the Carlyle Elementary School was painted in a rainbow of color on Wednesday to show support to the LGBTQ community. They began to paint at 8 am and then added a second coat at 7 pm. 

“June was pride month in Saskatchewan, and I was on Facebook one day when I noticed that Wolseley did a pride crosswalk," share Jade Moore, the organizer, "so I figured Carlyle should have one too. I thought there is a big need for pride in rural communities because I find that it’s not celebrated as much as in big centers. So I wrote a letter to the town council, and by the time they got it, it wasn’t until July, but they accepted it, and they thought it was a good idea, so we went ahead with it."

Moore took the lead on the project and took to Facebook to find volunteers in the community. Within an hour, she had many volunteers and many people wanting to help but were unable to. She was delighted with the response and support of the townspeople of Carlyle.

"I hope that the rainbow allows people to feel more comfortable in their skin and allows people of the LGBTQ+ community to feel like they don’t have to leave our small rural town to be themselves. I know there’s a lot of bullying that goes along with the LGBTQ+ community whether you’re apart of the community or you have family members that are apart of that community, so I hope that it brings more awareness to it and maybe teaches people to be more excepting of those people."

Moore is thankful to all the volunteers who came out to paint; as well as the sponsors of the project, Carlyle Home Hardware, Jessica Shirley, Town of Carlyle, and Eve Realty for purchasing the supplies.