For the younger kids fascinated by planes and flight, and those who just enjoy a good barbecue, Saturday is a great day to be at the Estevan airport. And it's a pretty great day for the Estevan Flying Club too!

On Saturday, the club hosts their fly-in barbecue beginning at 11 AM. From 11-1 they'll be serving up some food and answering your questions about flight and aviation. Then the real fun begins at 1. From then until 4 o'clock, eight volunteer pilots will fly children age 8-17 up in the air with them for free and give them an areal tour of the Estevan region.

Richard Reetz of the flying club dropped in to give us the breakdown of the event.

Thanks for joining us Richard, and thanks for putting some smiles on those young faces this Saturday. If you head down for the barbecue or the flights, keep an eye out for our Celebrate Summer Cruiser.