Although Saskatchewan had seen some positive news in terms of recoveries from COVID-19 in recent days, the trend in new case numbers is apparently still going the wrong way. As such, there are new restrictions coming down from the province that may impact your Christmas plans. 

Chief among these is that, as of December 17, private indoor gatherings will be limited to household members only. The exception is for people living alone, who are allowed to visit one, consistent household of fewer than five individuals for the duration of the order. 

“Re-open Saskatchewan guidelines have been effective at reducing transmission in those settings where we have implemented measures like restaurants and retail settings,” Saskatchewan Chief Medical Health Officer Dr. Saqib Shahab said. “It’s the in-between places, the social settings, where COVID-19 transmission is happening. In our breakrooms and staff rooms, by inviting new people into our homes, we are letting our guard down."

Co-parenting arrangements are permitted to continue under these new health orders. The province also said caregivers and support services in the home are permitted to continue. Outdoor gatherings are now limited to ten people provided physical distancing between households can be maintained.

Further restrictions will come down on Saturday, December 19. As of that day, casinos and bingo halls will be required to close. Personal services, such as hair salons or barbers, esthetics, massage therapy, acupuncture, and tattooing, may operate at 50 percent capacity, including staff and clients.

After Christmas, retailers will face new restrictions as well. As of December 25, they must reduce their capacity to 50 percent. Large retail locations are required to limit their capacity to 25 percent capacity. Large retail locations are defined as retailers with square footage larger than 20,000 square feet. 

All public health orders from November 27 are to remain in effect. The province had previously stated they would review these on December 17, but is now pushing that date back until January 15. 

This means there will be no sporting events (i.e. games) in Saskatchewan until at least January 15, though athletes under the age of 18 can still practice in groups of eight at most. Gyms can still be open, but masks are mandatory even while working out. Non-essential interprovincial travel is discouraged.