It's a busy month for Kasey and Liam McIntyre. Not only do they have the walk to make Cystic Fibrosis history on May 26, they also have a kick-off event on Friday, May 11 at Fired Up Grill. 

With all that on their plates, you would think Kasey and Liam would be booked solid for the next little while, but they took some time to sit down with us and talk about the tee-up event and the Walk to Make Cystic Fibrosis History on May 26. We talked everything from pancake breakfasts, direct donations, and signmaking to why the disease hits close to home for Kasey. Liam also shared with us in his own words how cystic fibrosis has affected him.

A big thank you to Kasey and Liam McIntyre for their words this morning. Make sure you support them by attending the walk on the 26th or by visiting