The Estevan Leisure Centre is getting closer to having a new roof.

The city's Manager of Leisure Services Rod March explained the timeframe.

"With supply chain issues, who knows, it could be into the fall before we get going on it," March said. "But the plan is to have the eight rooftop units replaced, and then we'll go ahead and replace the roof. And this is all at the leisure centre, not at Affinity (Place), just the original Leisure Centre building."

"These eight rooftop units will be custom built, and what I mean by that is the berms and how they connect to the building, that sort of thing, it's all pretty much custom, so it does take a little bit of extra time," March continued.

He added that the building will still be able to function as usual during the project with people still being able to use the centre.

"No there won't be any disruptions...we'll be putting out some notices," March said.

The exiting roof is about 30 years old.

The funding does extend into March 2025 if there are issues or delays, but the city hopes to have all the work finished by later this year.

The City received a federal grant for the project.