Southeast College has plans to implement a Business Management Essentials program.

Dion McGrath, President, and CEO of Southeast College shared some highlights of their plans in a media release on Friday, even in light of being given a two percent reduction in their operating grant from the provincial government.

The Business Management Essentials program will provide hands-on, real-life leadership skills that translate into a variety of industries.

“It's going to be designed to provide programming and training for small and medium-sized enterprises, for a lot of the human skills that businesses are looking for, like communication, conflict resolution, and management, things of that nature.”

He noted the program builds on a partnership the College has created with the Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities and Saskatchewan Urban Municipalities Association, to deliver similar type programming to SARM and SUMA members, municipalities across the province.

“Those are some of the things that the chambers and their membership have identified as training opportunities,” said McGrath. “Our response as a college is to listen to that and develop the solutions to provide the types of training that they need.”