This past weekend saw a number of people head to the border crossings at the North Portal and Northgate ports of entry to take part in protests about mandates in place due to COVID-19. The protests, which garnered the attention of officials in those communities as well as the RCMP ahead of time, were held at the same time as a number of other protests across the country.

Reports from the organizers and attendees state that roughly 60 people attended the protest at Northgate, and 160 took part in North Portal.

The RCMP had checkstops in place ahead of the protests and were advising participants of what was allowed, and what wasn’t, in terms of the current confines of the law. The RCMP were unable to provide any updates by our deadline as to whether or not there were any incidents at the protests.

At the protests, participants set up in privately owned land adjacent to the border crossings in both communities, in accordance with directions received ahead of the protests from the RCMP.