Canada Day is knocking at the door, and it's bringing with it a long weekend of food and fun with family and friends, celebrating a country wide 150th birthday party.

That said, it'll be important to ensure that the festivities remain safe, and enjoyable as a result, and Fire Chief Dale Feser shared some wisdom in that regard.

"With the upcoming Canada Day 150 celebrations, please note that consumer fireworks are not permitted to be used inside the City of Estevan limits. If you want to enjoy such a show, please leave that up to the professionals. Typically, you actually have to be a certified fireworks technician in order to light them off in the city, and go through a whole permit process."

He added that you should keep a close eye on children where fireworks are being used, as you want to make sure that they are out of the fallout zone.

"It's amazing how hot some of these burn. As a matter of fact, your common sparkler that you can buy in stores actually burns at 1,200 degrees Fahrenheit, or 645 degrees Celsius. That's extremely hot when you consider that water boils at 100 degrees Celsius."

Those won't be the only fires being lit in the southeast, however, as those camping will most likely be looking to roast some hot dogs or marshmallows, and what better way than over a campfire?

"If you are doing that, make sure that it's actually allowed within the camping area. You may want to check with the local fire department via our Facebook page, or with the parks managers there. Make sure that there's no fire bans in place. If they are permitted, make sure that they are at least 25 feet away from any structures or anything that can burn. You always want to make sure that you clear away any dry leaves and sticks, or overhanging low branches and shrubs, to prevent a secondary fire from occurring. You also want to make sure that you avoid it on windy or dry days, when it's easier to spread out of control."

The water will also be a popular spot to be over the weekend, and Feser gave a few tips to stay safe there as well.

"You want to make sure that you are observing the swimming areas that are typically designed and put in place, marked out by buoys. Ensure that you stay inside that zone, and for the boaters out there, conversely make sure that you are staying out of the swimming zones with any watercraft."

"If you're not a strong swimmer, maybe it's a good idea to wear a personal flotation device, so you can still enjoy the water on a hot day."

He also mentioned that the adage of waiting for an hour before swimming is good advice to follow, as well as making sure that your children are supervised at all times.

"Any time we have a long weekend or holiday, there's a lot of people who are travelling, so you want to ensure that you are leaving ample time. That way you can keep it within the speed limit and plan a safe route. Make sure you are not texting and driving. If you happen to be partaking in some alcoholic beverages, plan a safe ride home."

"There's plenty of cab companies out there, please make use of them. That way everyone can have a safe and enjoyable Canada Day," Feser expressed.

Estevan Fire and Rescue will have displays and truck tours at the City of Estevan's Canada 150 Street Fair on Friday, as well as their emergency service partners.