
We're in the middle of a heatwave in the southeast

With the temperature expected to rise to the low 30s and the humidex is expected to climb into the 40s, it will be very important to stay hydrated today.

Water is the best drink to have in order to stay hydrated. Chief Medical Health Officer for the Sun Country Health Region says the most important thing is to be prepared. She says if you're going to be outside, make sure that you have some water with you at all times.

Hudson also recommends that you avoid drinks that have caffeine in them like coffee and soft drinks because they cause dehydration. Hudson some of the sports drinks are fine to have on a day like today but she says that water is the best choice.

Along with having water available to you other safety tips to keep in mind include, wearing loose fitting, lightweight clothing, a hat, and use a water-based sunscreen. You should find some shade when possible and watch for the signs of heat injury.

The heatwave is expected to last throughout the week with temperatures in the 30s and the humidity could be the high 30s and low 40s thanks to a wet spring in the area.