Local Business bands together alongside the community to help out the Koch family as a fire ran through their home on July 6th. 

Allison Martel a representative of the C-Store with Southern Plains Co-op commented on the fundraiser, "Alicia is our Coke Rep. and she comes regularily to fill our orders. She really is a wonderful woman, and I've seen here kids acouple of times as they came in to help put a dsiplay up." 

"I honestly just can't imagine losing everything in 5 minutes, that would be awful."

The Co-op crew have pulled pork, salads, and so much more that the community can enjoy. And of course going to a great cause, to help out one of local families. And it really was a group effort to pull this fundraiser off as many participated in helping to cook up great plates of food. The meal is done by donation and the crew is looking forward to a successful fundraiser.

"Alicia is very appreciative, she gets very emotional and everybody's been wonderful. We always know that Estevan and area comes together when one of ours gets hurt."