The City of Estevan has released tourism numbers from May - August 2017.

"Tourism Estevan statistics resulted in a little bit of a downturn this year," explained Rebecca Westling, Destination Marketing Communications officer. "Comparing from 2107 to 2016, the overall season stats were down 43%. This year we had 1197 visitors to the Visitor Centre compared to last year which was 2097."

She attributes the difference due to the Summer Games that were held last summer and brought in a lot of visitors.

"As for people on energy tour information, that information was also down this year. We had 353 individuals on our tour this year compared to 870 last year. This year we had 160 people on a school tour and last year we had 214. For the local residents, this year there was 74 local residents and last year there was 214. So again, we had a significant drop in those numbers."

She adds that a lot of those numbers were from July when the numbers were increased due to the Summer games however, she noted the numbers were similar throughout the summer.

"There was a trend from May, June and August with a decline."

Where visitors are visiting from is also tracked. 

"We did have an increase from people coming in from North Dakota. Basically that increase is due to the dollar exchange. So that's notable knowing who and where we're marketing to."

They also keep track of why people stop and what information they are looking for. 

"Most people are using the Visitor Information Centre as a washroom facility but then the next highest is for transportation, so they're wanting to know where to go and how to get there."

"Most people from the United States come into Canada, they don't have their data packages on their phone so they stop in and get a road map."

They also track the numbers of American hunters who come up for the hunting season through the Ministry of Economy.

"One of our major goals is to focus on what makes Estevan unique and one of the main things is bass fishing. We're the only place is Western Canada and Northwestern United States that has bass fishing."

She adds that the numbers seen here are reflected throughout the province. 

"Tourism Saskatchewan closed all their visitor centres over the last few year so they have zero visitor centres officially open. And the trend is moving to online."

Westling has been blogging about her experiences in and around the Energy City throughout the summer. 

"The response was really well received. One of the big ones we experienced was out at the Speedway."

She adds that #ExperienceEstevan won't be stopping just because summer is winding down.

"We're going to be doing experiences throughout the fall and winter months."

"There's some really cool trails in Woodlawn Regional Park that you can go snowshoeing in and if the river is frozen enough, people can go cross country skiing and it's really quite beautiful and so serene."

READ MORE: Experience Estevan