Redvers may be a small town, but they have a dedicated crew on their fire department

As Fire Chief, Brad Dutton shared, they have around 24 members.

"Right now we're sitting at a decent number as far as staff. We're doing some training in the fall. We've got a couple more that want to join so we'll probably team up a couple more. Memberwise, we're doing pretty good."

"I think the biggest thing is meetings and training once every couple weeks, it's keeping the young guys, and the newer members excited and involved. I think a lot of it is just getting out and being a group and doing work together. It keeps everyone excited and wanting to come out which helps the numbers stay high."

He added that training is a very important part of what they do.

"Right from the get-go, we get them into the meetings. You get a few meetings and a few training under your belt then you do the basics."

"We get you through Level 1 and 2 training which is your fire behaviour and SUVA training. Once you get a few courses under you, we get you to do an attack and helping with vehicle rescues."

"We make sure the training takes place first."

The Redvers Fire Department recently welcomed a new fire truck to their fleet earlier this year. 

READ MORE: A New Fire Truck For Redvers