Saskatchewan in motion began in 2003 when a group of partners joined forces to increase physical activity in our province.

Today, Saskatchewan in motion inspires, connects and promotes community action to get more kids, more active, more often. Kim Herperger Communication Strategist, "We take action to get kids in communities more active, more often."

We're an exciting province-wide movement of parents, community leaders, educators and decision-makers taking action to get kids moving. We believe we’re all responsible for making sure the kids we care about get at least 60-90 minutes of physical activity every day. Herperger states that communities compete to win 10 thousand dollars, "We have communities register, and we have a record 45 communities registered this year, so we're quite excited. When they register, they pick a project that they want the money to go towards, and then they rally their community during that 10 day period to get out and log all of their physical activity on our challenge website. And basically, the community that moves the most, wins the money."

We can all do our part to get more kids, more active, more often by:

Sending them out to play
Letting them walk to school
Inspiring kids who love to move
Balancing screen time

Saskatchewan in motion is an initiative of Active Saskatchewan and is supported by a Board of Directors, strategic partner organizations and a team of staff to help inspire action, provide tools and resources and keep us all connected.