Estevan has been plunged into the deep freeze, and with no close end in sight. Thus, as residents continue cranking the furnaces and any space heater they can get their nearly-frostbitten hands on, Fire Chief Dale Feser had a few tips to stay safe during the chilly season.

"This is where we are seeing a lot of people using secondary heating appliances, so it's a gentle reminder to ensure that your're maintaining adequate clearance with these items, typically 3 feet from any combustible surfaces. We don't want to have any accidental fires as we're trying to stay warm."

"Also, we're seeing some issues when people are running their vehicles. Make sure they're a safe distance away from the home, and definitely not in the garage if running for an extended period of time. As we can see, carbon monoxide migrates into the home from the garage if they're attached," he added.

"You'll want to check your heating appliances to make sure that they have been serviced in the last little while, but more importantly, check the exhaust ports for these whether it's a vertical or horizontal vent. Make sure that they're not being iced up, and that they're free and clear of any snow or ice. That way it allows the gases to safely escape the home."