(Bernie Collins and family were present at the unveiling of the sign for Collins Road)

Council members and members of Mr Collins' family were in attendance to see the unveiling of the newly named Collins Road. 

"He was an educator, he was a principal at Sacred Heart School," explained Mayor Roy Ludwig. "He got into municipal politics, he served a number of years as Councillor, and he also served as Mayor, and he was also our MP in Ottawa. So he's been pretty active in our community and has been a part of lots of good things."

Bernie Collins was on hand with his family and spoke about the need to get involved in the community and have your voice heard.

"If you don't like it, run for council. Don't sit back and play the harp. Get your rear in gear and get going."

Mayor Roy Ludwig shared that that was the catalyst that got him involved in politics.

"I was complaining to Bernie one day and he said, "Roy, you know, you seem to have some strong issues here. Why don't you put your name forward at the next opportunity?" and I did and that was 23 years ago and I'm still running!"