Rebecca Duncan has been moving up in the world of literacy, here in Estevan. She is an inspiring young lady who won the Volunteer Service Honorable Mention award in Regina. “I got an honorable mention, because in the summer I work with Kim Marshall. She’s the one who nominated me, and I work at the summer program that helps kids read. And we have snacks, we do activities, and all that. There is a group I volunteer in, I help the kids that move from different countries that have a hard time learning English. I help them out with reading and different activities that can also help.”

Miss Duncan received her plaque from His Honor W. Thomas Molloy, Lieutenant Governor of Saskatchewan.

When asked why she got involved with the program, she had this to say. “I needed a summer job, and I knew Kim before and once I did it the first time, I just fell in love with it. And I love helping kids out too.”

“I hope it sure does,” in response to if she thought this would help inspire other kids to get involved.

Rebecca added, “Kim Marshall nominated me and has been a huge help.”

Rebecca Duncan you are an amazing inspiration to all the young people in Estevan and surrounding area. Congratulations again on your honorable mention.