Storm season in Saskatchewan is still among us.

Terri Lang with Environment Canada said the next time it will storm is predicted to be tomorrow afternoon.

"We have a low-pressure system coming up from the States. It'll bring some warmth and humidity with it and a lot of unstable air."

The weather pattern for this week is quite unsettled so we will see showers and thundershowers in the Estevan area.

"Thunderstorms are very localized so it is very much a hit and miss thing. The storm that went through Humboldt gave quite a bit of rain but the reporting stations we have in that area didn't report as much rain." 

Even the storm that hit Calgary had quite a bit of rain but not everyone got the flooding rains and hail. Storms are very localized and are impossible to predict when and where.

"Always be prepared for these storms as they always happen every year in the Prairies. No matter what you should always assume thunderstorms are dangerous as they kill."

Lightning kills and injures more people in Canada than any other summer phenomenon.

"If there is a severe thunderstorm watch or warning, that's our way of telling people that the environment is capable of producing severe weather."

If you don't know how to prepare for severe weather the Environment Canada page has tips.

"Be prepared before it happens not when the storm is already here. By then it is usually too late."