For the first time since March, students are back in classrooms in Saskatchewan, and a number of things are different compared to other years.

Groups, or cohorts, have been established for students to go about business in. Physical distancing is an objective, and major emphasis has been placed on hygiene.

You can find the updated (as of today) back-to-school health and safety regulations from the South East Cornerstone Public School Division here. This includes details on when masks are required.

And you can access the plan for the Holy Family Roman Catholic Separate School Division here.

And now that the first school day is underway, we'd like to get your thoughts on the return to classrooms. You can fill out the poll, email, or call the newsroom at 306 636 6100.

The South East Cornerstone Public School Division updated its Health and Safety Response Plan today. You can now view that at the above link.