The Lampman Lions Club was out on Saturday at the Lions Play Park in Lampman handing out checks to well deserving organizations within the community.

The Lions Club holds a few fundraisers throughout the year with there biggest being a 52 draw lottery and on Saturday it was time to hand out all the money they had raised throughout the year and according to Richard Kochie secretary with the Lions club in Lampman the money was going to more than just one place.

"Lampman fire and rescue, communities in bloom, Lampman library, Lampman health care auxiliary, and Lampman rec. We are also doing a donation to Lampman Minor sports for $10,000 its separate from our lottery, its to help them purchase a new scoreboard for the hockey arena."

The amounts donated to each recipient is as follows 

  • Lampman Fire and Rescue - $2,000
  • Lampman Healthcare Auxiliary - $1,000
  • Communities in bloom - $1,500
  • Lampman Libary - $1,000
  • Lampman Rec - $2,500
  • Lampman Minor Sports - $10,000