As spring continues to settle into the southeast and the mercury creeps up the thermometer, residents of the Energy City may be looking forward to getting out and enjoying a rather popular attraction, namely, water parks.

Estevan has it's fair share of these facilities, and Parks Manager Rod March noted that they will be available soon, weather permitting.

"We're hoping to have them open by the end of next week. Our two water parks are tied to our irrigation systems. Over the winter there is some damage from ground water infiltrating, and things freezing and breaking, so we have to get all those up and running. Once that's done, then we focus on getting the two spray parks going."

Upgrades have also taken place to the green spaces around town, and that includes the Royal Heights Memorial Park.

"We did a lot of upgrades last year, such as new trees, walkways and a new spash pad. The gazebo is fixed, and there was a water break that we had to repair earlier this year," March related. adding that a wheelchair accessible sidewalk will be in place within a few weeks as well.

There is also a wall at the location, set up by the Royal Canadian Legion, to honour veterans and those who have fallen.

The wall will have bricks with the names of veterans placed in it to honor the fallen.

"It's actually in place right now, but the remaining compononts of that will be bricks being placed in the wall."

The bricks will have the names of local warriors on them to commemorate the sacrifice made. 

"It's right next to the gazebo, on the north end of the park," March shared. 

Overall, the Parks Manager noted that work is progressing in the hefty tidying up that was required after the rough winter.

"Everything has been mowed at least once and all the sports venues are going. Gopher control is complete, and the City has just about finished it's dandelion control for the year. Now, we will be cleaning up the rest of the parks, the shrub gardens and those sorts of things." 

He added that mosquitos will always be a problem, and advised residents to do their part in reducing the population, including removing any standing water from your yard.