The RM of Estevan has a new Reeve after the RM announced nominations that led to only two people applying for the role, with one dropping out before any election could start.

Jason LeBlanc is the new Reeve of the RM of Estevan, stepping into the role starting next week.

The position of Reeve has a wide variety of roles, such as chairing RM meetings, having a vote to pass bylaws and regulations, and having a spot on council committees.

The previous Reeve, Terry Keating, won the last election in November 2020 and is resigning and retiring, leading to the vacancy.

The new Reeve LeBlanc says he's ready to work with the RM to help the area.

"The only reason I really ran is that I can bring plenty of experience to the table with several years of experience in running small businesses," said Leblanc, "Also some of the ag sector is getting a bit behind on some of the processes they're going through now. I think I'd just like to bring a different flavor into the mix."

"This'll be a first for me to be involved in government. had a fair bit of experience working in group settings and in manager roles. but I'm more looking forward to getting involved with the group is there, I think they got a fairly strong group of counselors. I like what I've seen, I'm just hoping I can learn the protocols and add some value to the community."

One of the things LeBlanc focused on is making sure the RM of Estevan would succeed as it moves away from coal mining.

"Depending on the federal government if the transition is for the RM to move away from the coal mines," said Leblanc, "Then I think we need to do a lot more in the sense of being open-minded and drawing another type of business center, could even be in the sports or whatever, but we need to be drawing something to Estevan RM number five."

Overall, he says that he's excited to be moving into the role of Reeve. 

"I'm excited to get in there and learn," said Leblanc, "I'm excited to get started on it, I'm gonna give it my full attention when I come in on the eighth of September, and I wanna give it my full attention after that. Some of the rate-payers can voice their opinions and I'll get through them all, and we'll see where we go from there."