A new support group is coming to the Envision Counselling & Support Centre here in Estevan, which will center on domestic violence. 

That will be a bit different from previous support groups the organization has put on, as this one will be more open than others.

The sign-up process is changed, as individuals won't be sorted into specific groups for the counselors to work with, but will instead all work together.

The program will be every Thursday between November 17 and December 22, with interested parties being asked to phone Enviisoion's Estevan office at 306-637-4004.

Rapid Access Counsellor Larissa Smeltzer says the new group program will be about creating a space for survivors to share.

"Basically the idea behind this support group is creating a space for the survivors of domestic violence to come together, and kind of share in some of the healing process together. What we know about domestic violence is that it can feel very isolating, and it's also one of those things that are very hard for others to understand unless you've gone through it."

With so much of the program survivor-driven, the organization will be looking to make sure it's the best for those joining up.

"A big focus is empowering survivors with validation," said Smeltzer, "Increasing self-esteem, and coping tools. So a lot of what we're going to do is sit down with whoever decides to come and kind of get an idea of 'what do you want with this group, and how do we best facilitate that?'"

Rather than explaining trauma through a teaching method, which they call psycho-educational, the group will instead share experiences with one another.

"It's not necessarily us explaining how to move through things, it's about connecting and creating a space," said Smeltzer, "Holding a space for a group of people who have experienced domestic violence, to share in that experience, to share with each other, and to build up that natural support system."

Smeltzer says that if this program works well, they'd see about making more open groups concerning other topics as well.