As Halloween draws near, the City of Estevan is gearing up to host an extraordinary event, one that will ensure the holiday is inclusive and accessible for every member of the community.

During her appearance on the Sun 102 morning show, Estevan City Councillor Becca Foord shed light on the forthcoming "Spooktacular Treats for All" event, designed to provide a warm and welcoming environment, catering to individuals with varying mobility and sensory needs.

The "Spooktacular Treats for All" event is slated for Saturday, October 28, from 12:00 to 2:00, at the Estevan Leisure Centre's multi-purpose room. Foord explained, "This is going to be open for everybody, but it is also going to be a sensory-friendly Halloween and an accessible Halloween (event). Anybody who has any sort of mobility issues or sensory issues, is more than welcome to come. We have catered this so that you are able to come and feel safe while you're trick-or-treating, and it's just going to give everybody a good experience."

The event's inclusivity extends to more than just accessibility; it's a true community effort. Foord mentioned, "We kind of put out a call to all of the service groups in town and businesses in town, and we've had a lot of good feedback. So, it's not only the city that's going to have a table at this event, but it's going to be a number of our service groups and some businesses in the community as well. It's actually a great place because it's wheelchair-friendly. You can bring your service animals if you have a service animal. So, everybody who wants to come can bring their family. We really just want to make this Halloween inclusive for everyone."

The City of Estevan, in its dedication to creating an unforgettable Halloween celebration, welcomes additional participants to the event, making it evident that "Spooktacular Treats for All" will be a memorable, inclusive event, ensuring that every member of the community can enjoy the spooky holiday without any limitations.