Envision Counseling and Support Centre has many programs that make their programs integral to the support of newcomers to Southeast Saskatchewan.

The following are 2 testimonials of the ways Envision has helped out a few ladies who have immigrated to Saskatchewan. 

“Envision helps me find the light in myself when I’m in my darkest days. I never feel unwelcome or that I’m a burden when I call or step foot in there. My therapist there always has her full attention on me and genuinely cares about my wellbeing. If it wasn’t for the Envision team, I don’t think I would be where I am today. Thanks for helping me find reasons to go on and live.”

For the protection of Envision's clients, we are sharing some the stories of those impacted by the programming with keeping anonymity.

"My name is ------------- and I came into contact with envisions first for counseling after my separation/divorce in 2010. 8 months before I turned 30 life as I knew it had changed. It truly felt like “the rug being pulled from beneath me”. Something in me changed, I couldn’t function, I couldn’t eat, I couldn’t sleep, I could barely make it work and if I did I was no good to anyone. I had never felt that way in my life. I dropped 22 pounds in 2 weeks and was barely making it through. I worked for great people at the time and they recommended I get counseling through envisions. Which opened my eyes to some things but I was still sinking daily. Eventually, it came to a point where I realized I did not want or have any desire to play with my daughter. I loved her, I cared for her, but that’s all I could do. I went to my doctor and was put on an antidepressant as to which slowly my life was coming back to me. Not what I New, but my new life. I met someone later that year that made me feel almost normal. This relationship progressed and later the next year I was shamed for being on medication for my mental health. It really got to me, 30 years I went without meds, why now? So I quit, cold turkey. By this time drugs had been introduced into my social life. By 2012 I had quit my great unionized job as a custodian to work office jobs because “custodians” can’t be respected, Bla Bla Bla. So I took a pay cut to work in offices. All the while my drug use becoming worse. Dec 2012 I was fired from my first job. Mortifying!!!"

"Drug use became a full-time job after this. March 2013 found out I was pregnant with my middle daughter. My relationship at this point was completely overtaken by drug use and once I had the baby she was taken by social services immediately."

"More drug use, more job loss, more relationship drama and finally the straw that broke the camels back, I went heavy back into the drug world and distanced from my family and children. I was receiving home visits with my daughter at my home conducted through envisions counseling. Made a great relationship with my worker and hated to let her down, but I was still deep issues with mental health and drugs. May 2014 I find out I am pregnant once again. At this point, my partner left me. I sunk lower. Was sent to detox, charged with a crime and I seemed to clean it up before he was born to get mixed up yet again with their father before the birth. My son was taken immediately after birth by social services. Enter envisions once again and home visits ensued. I don’t remember what made me fall off that time but I went full time into my addiction again in which my son was to be separated from my daughter and to live with my aunt. I went to jail, spent 8 months away in 2015. Came home in 2016, 8 months clean and on an antidepressant and felt amazing. Insert envisions yet again where I had many home visits, followed by unsupervised visits followed by my children being placed back in my care 2017. Without envisions and the wonderful people who work for them, I would not be here today. I had such a connection with my worker that I did not want to let her down. I felt accountable to her and when I got clean for good and got my kids back my worker was as proud as anyone that I had achieved this after all those years flip-flopping in and out. Envisions connected me with someone to work in finances and ways to make budgeting easier plus the emotional support of my worker. There is no doubt in my mind that envisions was one of the many tools I had to get my life back together. I do not know if I can name my worker but I love her so much, she was on this roller coaster with me and at the end, she celebrated as if we were family. Envisions is so very important to our community for so many reasons, twice in my life I have had their help in crisis situations.  Honestly, God bless the people who work or volunteer through Envisions because without them I would not be where I am today."

The ladies testimonies express how much Envision has a big part in our community, and worth your support.