For many years, people around Canada have moved to our province and have noticed a trend when it comes to the way we speak. 

It has been said that not only does Saskatchewan slang confuse our visitors, but many who have been here for years. If you are Saskatchewan born you will completely understand the confusion when it comes to when 'dinner' actually is. Many refer to it as both lunch and supper, creating confusion that has gone on for years within our province. Our slang on the other hand I believe is very straight forward. Below is a list submitted by quite a few in the Estevan area.

Northern Pike - Jack Fish, slough sharks, slough snakes

Hoodies - Bunny Hug

Porcupine - Quill Pig

Underwear - Gitch

Moose - Swamp Donkey

Kilometers - Klicks

Beanie or Knit/Crocheted Hat - Toque

Small freshwater reservoirs, Ponds - Dugout

Maple or Boxelder bug - Halloween Bug

Soda - Pop

The act or process of indulging in numerous fun activities simultaneously - Giviner

Whatya-ma-call-it or another name for something you can't find a name for - thing-a-ma-bob

An event marred by confusion, ineptitude, and shenanigans - Gong show

An organizational misunderstanding leading to accusations and defensiveness - Kerfuffle

Probably a lot more slang that could be added to the list, but I'll leave you with this for now.