Savour The Southeast promises to be a terrific event with great food from all over the southeast and beyond, and now we know it's all for an excellent cause as well.

Savour has teamed up with Julie Dzuba and the good folks at Envision Counseling this year. All proceeds from the event will go directly to Envision, who will use the money to keep providing their essential services to all of southeast Saskatchewan. 

Julie sat down with us this morning on Rock 106 to talk about how important the funds are to her organization, how Envision and Savour partnered up, and how to help fill their need for volunteers at the event.

With Savour The Southeast just over a week away, we wish Julie and the rest of Envision Counseling the best of luck at the event. Remember, they still need volunteers so head over to Savour The Southeast's website or contact Envision directly.